Saturday, April 30, 2011

Last day : Semester 4.

Assalamualaikum and hello there peeps!!

Yeah! No more assignments! No more mid-term test! No more final exam papers! 
( Only for four months~~ )

My last paper for this semester was this morning and to my surprise, at first it was written that we only have 40 minutes to answer 40 questions! What?!! 

Then they change it to 1 hour. Man, that shocked me a while. One question one minute. Haha!!

When we start the exam, 15 minutes later people start to go out one by one from the examination hall. I was like whooaa~~
( Sorry, bkn psl I skema, cume terkesima melihat mereka pantas menjawab soalan)

By 9.30am, that is half and hour since the exam started, only 25 people left out of 60.
( Yes, I counted! )

I've got to say, they are SUPERB! Kompem paling kurang 30/40 betul jwpn, ye tak?

Enough of that. actually I just wanted to post pictures of us PUDDING going to the night market (pasar malam), a way to celebrate the end of our semester, I guess....~


Jos tersepit in a freaking crowded bus!
(But seem to be having fun?)

Yeah! C&M Stuff in the house!

Sorry lads, who told you not to pose. Haha!

After the moment of ' the cafe kid'.. har3!!!

While waiting for Jos to dress up after locking herself out of her bedroom.

Jos: Aku mau makan apa nih?

Effa: Aheheh! Ahehe!! Lazatnya mknn di pasar mlm ini!

Chewy: Yeah... got me some sardine doughnut~

Nina: Sedap nyer.. boleh rse lagi ke x ni ae?

A building that caught our attention.

Night market scenery. =0

Elly: Mhmm.. I know I'm hot..


And this is a pic of me sitting in the bus.

I know, I know, what's with the Myspace style of taking picture.
Nasib la! Haha!! 


That's it. That's all. Too tired and sleepy to post a long entry this time. Sorry.



yufi zetty said...

love all the pics, especially the building, looks like a face though :)

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